So years ago I searched for on my browser to only find it taken by I think a counselor. Ever since then over the years I kept checking up on the domains availability to see if the owner would give up on the name. Nothing. About a year ago or so I noticed that would expire this past June/July. I went in and yes it had expired but it went into a redeeming period of time and after it went into another phase of waiting, it was not a available for purchase during theses times, but I kept looking every so often ever since. I hadn’t checked in awhile, but then Oct 2nd, a couple days ago, I remembered …I went to go daddy and typed l y d i a h e r r e r a . c o m and BOOOMM! AVAILABLE!!!! …for one cent. 🤣🤣🤣  but I registered at namecheap with all my other domains. I don’t even know why I have so many. So many ideas that I get for websites. One of them is called "I’m not a cook person" 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Anyways, this my dears is my first official post on GLORY TO GOD! YEY! FINALLY! 

looks like I only have a head

trying to hide it 

what am I doing?


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